A Leader’s Act of Courage
With so many leadership tips, books, BHAGs, and other tired slogans, the idea of genuine leadership is often obscured. The leadership that shapes families, communities, companies and nations isn’t built from a list of traits. But it is the kind that courageously understands that actions have consequences and the best leadership takes responsibility for consequences. The best leadership is seen in those individuals who are willing to go first, eat last and endure more than those they lead.
An leader’s act of courage is seen when the leader is the model and can model and multiply his/her efforts. This is why a leader’s ability to coach is so vital. Often when a myriad of solutions have been tried and have failed, the courageous act of the leader faces problems and failure by inspiring others (i.e. to put life into.) through the leader’s character and habits of resilience, agility and innovation.
The essence of leadership is character which is acquired in a courageous act of self-examination and a willingness to pursue personal clarity, coherence and meaning. This is a leader others will follow.
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