A Team of Champions or A Championship Team?


Have you ever worked on a team that understood what it really means to be an air-tight team? Unfortunately,  that is not the norm. You  may have worked on a team with individuals who have strong leadership capabilities. But, a team comprised of high-performers does not guarantee a championship team. How does a group  strong individuals learn how to be a strong team?  You may have noticed, it does not just happen automatically.

There are 7 efficiencies that have an enormous impact on a group of people who are working together to accomplish a goal. Over the next few weeks, I will be addressing these external and internal factors in more detail.

1. Strength of leader: the foundation of any team is the robustness of the leader and the clarity of the leader’s vision.  No matter how strong the team members are, it is difficult to consistently achieve when the leader is mediocre or struggles to effectively communicate the vision.
2. The maturity of the team: the length of time a team has been together plays a strong role in how effective and productive the team is.  It takes time to build relationships that forge trust.
3. Rate of turnover: it takes anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks to integrate a new team member. A new person will always cause a slowdown in the normal routines of the team.
4. Rate and level of complexity of change: the faster and deeper the change is, the more the team has to discern what to deflect, what problems to solve and how to handle the speed and stress of the change.
5. Alignment and agility of the team members: both of these traits are built around the level of trust within the team.
6. Overall attitude of the team: what is the level of forward thinking? do all members handle stress effectively? are members able to recover quickly from mistakes and failure?
7. Team dynamics: quality of  interpersonal skills, silo thinking vs. collaborative thinking, effectiveness in addressing and making gains from conflict.


If you are interested in a deep dive of how to  build strong teams, our next Entera Institute workshop will be right up your alley: The Power of the Huddle http://bit.ly/1UBiCCf